There are additional steps to pass if you want to use the plugin in Sidekiq mode :

(step 1) Install Redis Server

root# apt-get update
root# apt-get install redis-server

(step 2) Install the Sidekiq plugin

root# su - redmine
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT/plugins
redmine$ git clone
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT
redmine$ bundle install

(step 3) Switch mode

Go in Administration -> Redmine Git Hosting -> Sidekiq tab then enable Sidekiq mode.

From this point, all actions on projects or repositories are queued in the Redis database.

To execute them you must now run the Sidekiq worker.

(step 4) Run Sidekiq worker

A startup script contrib/scripts/ is provided by the plugin.

You should place this script in Redmine user’s home bin dir like : /home/redmine/bin/

Normally the Redmine user’s bin directory should be in the PATH.

If not, add this in /home/redmine/.profile :

# Set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

(Notes) Sidekiq :: Concurrency

When running in Sidekiq mode, do not modify sidekiq.yml, particularly the concurrency parameter.

Tasks are async but cannot be parallels as we need to write in a file.

Hence the sidekiq worker is a one-queue worker and tasks are stacked in order in the queue.

Modifying the concurrency parameter would break the order of tasks and could lead to an inconsistent state of the Gitolite configuration file.