Error : no suitable markdown gem found

If you installed Redmine with the Debian package, a dependency is missing :

root$ apt-get install ruby-redcarpet

My repository seems empty but I’m sure it is not!

A git clone of the repository gives me files!

root$ su - redmine
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT
redmine$ bundle exec rake redmine_git_hosting:fetch_changesets RAILS_ENV=production

Bundle and Bitnami Stack

If bundle command complains here what to do :

bitnami$ cd /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs/vendor
bitnami$ rm -rf bundle
bitnami$ cd /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs
bitnami$ bundle install --without development test --deployment

Temp dir and Bitnami Stack

The temp directory must be fully accesible for the daemon user so here what to do :

bitnami$ cd /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine
bitnami$ mkdir temp
bitnami$ sudo chown -R daemon\: temp

Then go in Administration -> Redmine Git Hosting -> Global tab and set the temp directory to /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/temp.

Unsupported URL protocol

If you got this error it means that rugged/libgit2 has not been compiled with SSH support.

Install missing dependencies then :

root# su - redmine

redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT
redmine$ bundle clean --force
redmine$ bundle config set --local without 'development:test'
redmine$ bundle config set --local build.rugged --with-ssh
redmine$ bundle install